Publish a blog

Before you can start publishing your blogs, you need to set up a school. Follow this guide to get yourself a free account and create a school, if you haven’t already.

Once you are signed in using an admin account, go to the dashboard by clicking on the Dashboard option from the drop down menu located on the top right corner of your school.

The dashboard looks like the following.

Products dashboard

Now you are ready to write your first blog. Let’s see how.

Steps to write a blog

  1. In the Dashboard, click on Blogs from the left side menu.
  2. Click on the New blog button as shown below.

New blog

  1. In the New blog screen, enter the title of your blog and click continue.
  2. In the editor screen, add the body of your blog post and click Save as shown below.

Edit blog

  1. Now that you have written the content of your blog, it’s time to publish.
  2. Click on the Publish tab and then hit Publish as shown below. This will make your blog visible on the /blog route.

Publish blog

  1. If you want to keep the blog published but do not want it to appear on the /blog route, set the Visibility to Unlisted as shown below.

Blog visibility

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